Liam Besaw

Full stack web developer

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About Liam

After 15 great years making dentures as a dental lab technician, Liam decided to pursue his life long passion and head back to school to learn about software development. He graduated ahead of schedule with a Bachelor's of Science in Software Development, and has been focusing his efforts on personal and open source projects. Currently his coding efforts have been focused on full stack web development with an emphasis on the back end. His favorite flavors are currently the PHP MVC framework Laravel for the back end and Vue.js for front end components. You can visit his current project thoughtbubble on his github profile, or by clicking here.

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Visit Liam's LinkedIn and view his skills and recommendations.


Check out Liam's projects on Github. Currently working on ComicServ, a unique 'comic-based' social media platform.


Check out Liam's twitter to see what he's been up to.

Eager to learn

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